Emergency Planning services

Your organization may already have an emergency plan, but is it in a binder gathering dust?  Alternatively, some departments may be well-prepared but does senior management think about their responsibilities and give support and priority to emergency preparedness?Cascade offers Orientation Sessions to senior management to give them a reality check on what can happen and what their organization’s responsibilities are following a disaster.  In the case of school districts, this session of up to one hour is targeted at school boards, board committees, District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC), Superintendent’s Committee, or senior leadership team.  It can also be customized for the Principals’ Association, Teachers’ Association, or Support Staff Union.  We have found these sessions to be useful eye-openers for those who rarely if ever think about disaster planning, and have made false assumptions about how recovery will occur.

Cascade also offers Planning Sessions for key departments within your organization that have responsibilities for disaster response or recovery.  These typically include the following departments: Superintendent’s Office, Facilities Services, Information Technology, Purchasing, Finance, HR, and Media/Public Relations.  Even if these departments currently have plans, it is likely that they need to be reviewed and rationalized to reflect current reality.

For school districts, colleges, and universities, Cascade offers direct hands-on Planning Sessions for schools or departments.  Our team can work directly with the school or department-based committee to develop disaster plans or update existing plans.

In the field of Emergency Preparedness and Planning, Cascade Facilities Management Consultants Ltd offers both Orientation Sessions for management and employee groups and Planning Sessions for departments and schools.