Submissions for funding of projects by the provincial government have to demonstrate that the proposed project represents the best solution among all possible options and that it can be completed within the proposed budget. Similar expectations occur for municipal facilities organizations with their Municipal Councils.
Cascade can provide a feasibility study or Project Request Fact Sheet (PRFS) and, if appropriate, can also link your proposed project back to measurable factors which are driving the need for more space, whether population growth, student enrolment, closure of obsolete non-functional facilities, changing program trends, or other justifications.
Typically Cascade feasibility studies include life cycle costing and financial analysis of the options. Support for QS work is provided by LTA Consultants. An example page of the financial analysis of one of four options in a feasibility study is shown here: 2009 Example of PIR Financial Summary.
Cascade has years of experience with its study team preparing these reports for many clients. Click here to see our experience.